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. 2019 Feb 22;14(2):e0212421. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212421

Table 1. Topic guide for focus group discussion.

S/N TB routine surveillance system Specimen Transportation Central TB Reference Laboratory Relationship to the workload Knowledge on TB Concluding the discussion
1 How are TB health care workers involved in the routine surveillance system? Does the clinic transport specimens to another laboratory? What is the perception of the health care workers on the TB reference laboratory? Where do your patients come from? How do health care workers become aware of new TB diagnostic strategies? Is there anything else you think would be useful for the programme to know?
2 Probe; what is their roles in RSS, what do they think of the current method, what is their perception on the TB Programme and the reference laboratory?). Who does the specimen transportation? (Probe; how is it transported?) What do they think could be done better or could be sustained? probe; (how many patients per day per clinic, if heavy clinic, why, issues around health education and who does the TB screening) (Probe; from the programme, training, internet, collaboration with the TB programme, how is it disseminated) Do you have any questions about any aspect of this interview?
3 Describe how routine surveillance system is implemented in your health facility? Probe means of specimen transportation (Probe: Issues around TB networking, results turnaround time and the performance). What perceptions do the health workers have towards patient management? What do health care workers know about TB transmission?
4 Probe; if health care workers know about the routine surveillance system and what type of specimens need to be sent, algorithm and safety) (Probe; compared to the number of staff, skills, motivation) Probing on ways it is transmitted, ways it is prevented, explore questions relating to TB diagnosis)
5 What do health care workers think are the challenges in implementing the routine surveillance system? What knowledge do the health care workers have on RSS?
6 Probe issues related to: causes that contribute to TB diagnosis delays, is it the patients or the programme, feedback of the results, specimen handling and support from the TB Programme). Probe; how it works, collaboration with the reference lab, specimen to be transported, frequency)
7 What could be done differently to make it better, what could be beneficial to the community?

Key: TB- Tuberculosis; RSS–Routine surveillance system