Flip-out clones and MARCM clones are marked with GFP and outlined in yellow. (A) Flip-out clones misexpressing chinmo exhibit a down-regulation of Br (magenta, 7/7 clones, n = 4 discs) and ectopic Chinmo (blue) during late L3. (B) MARCM clones mutant for chinmo exhibit increased br expression (magenta, 31/31 clones, 7 discs) during eL3 stage. (C) Misexpression of br-Z1 in Flip-out clones during early L3 leads to repression of chinmo (magenta, 16/17 clones, n = 8 discs). (D) Chinmo (magenta) is ectopically expressed during late L3 in brRNAi
Flip-out clones (11/11 clones, n = 5 discs). (E) Schematic outline of the above experiments. Scale bars: 30 μm. br, broad; CW, critical weight; eL3, early L3; FO, Flip-out; GFP, green fluorescent protein; L3, third larval stage; RFP, red fluorescent protein; RNAi, RNA interference.