Figure 3. Integration of Protospacers Occurs at Many Off-Target Sites.
(A) Schematic of library preparation protocol for high-throughput sequencing. Integration products are fragmented, end-repaired, A-tailed, and ligated with Y-adapters. A protospacer-specific extension is carried out before amplification with Illumina primers.
(B and C) Integration sites along pCRISPR. Results are separated based on the orientation of the protospacer that is integrated: the plots show integration by the (+) strand of the protospacer (B) and the (-) strand of the protospacer (C). See also Figures S2 and S3.
(D and E) Magnified view of integration in the CRISPR arrays by the (+) strand of the protospacer (D) and the (−) strand of the protospacer (E).
See Table S2 for nucleotide sequences.