Fig. 1.
Expression status of var genes on knock-out of PfRecQ1 or PfWRN. Var genes expression level (A) in WT 3D7C8, PfRecQ1∆ (strain D3), and PfWRN∆ were detected by RT-qPCR with five repeats, and (B) in different strains of PfRecQ1∆ with at least two repeats. PfRecQ1∆D4 and PfRecQ1∆D3 were clones from first transfection into 3D7C8 (PF3D7_1240600, dominantly expressed); PfRecQ1∆B2 and PfRecQ1∆B3 were clones from second transfection into 3D7C8. 3D7C8 is the WT parasite strain. (C) In PfRecQ1∆B2, PfRecQ1∆B2/vec, PfRecQ1∆B2/EX-1, and PfRecQ1∆B2/EX-2. PfRecQ1∆B2/vec was PfRecQ1∆B2 transfected with PCC4-G418 vector, as control of complementation transfection. PfRecQ1∆B2/EX-1 and PfRecQ1∆B2/EX-2 were PfRecQ1∆B2 transfected with PCC4-TY1-FlagRecQ1-G418 plasmid to episomally express TY1-FlagPfRecQ1 to rescue the functions of PfRecQ1. PfRecQ1∆B2/EX-1 and PfRecQ1∆B2/EX-2 were results from twice-independent complementation transfections. Experiments were repeated three times. The y axis gives the relative abundance of var genes mRNA; var genes IDs are shown below the x axis. Arginyl-tRNA synthetase (PF3D7_0913900), a housekeeping gene, is used as internal control. Error bars represent SEM.