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. 2019 Feb 9;20(3):733. doi: 10.3390/ijms20030733
FASTA Text-based format for representing sequences with their names, comments and annotation (abbreviation of fast all)
HTML Standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications (Hypertext Markup Language)
AALSAT Allium altaicum satellite
AcepSAT Allium cepa satellite
ACSAT Allium cepa satellite
AFISAT Allium fistulosum satellite
AGASAT Allium galanthum satellite
AOSAT Allium oschaninii satellite
AROSAT Allium roylei satellite
AsatSAT Allium sativum satellite
AursSAT Allium ursinum satellite
bp Base pairs
CAT36 periCentromeric Allium tandem repeat from CL36
CL Cluster
CPU Central processing unit
DAPI 4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole
FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization
Gb Giga base pairs
HAT58 Heterochromatin-associated Allium tandem repeat from CL58
LINE Long interspersed nuclear element
Mbp Mega base pairs
NGS Next generation sequencing
nt Nucleotide
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
RAM Random-access memory
rDNA Ribosomal DNA, DNA with ribosomal RNA genes
rRNA Ribosomal RNA, RNA involved in structure of ribosomes and proteosynthesis
S1-S9 Samples 1–9, headers of reads in FASTA format were provided with prefixes according their belonging
SC Supercluster
SINE Short interspersed nuclear element
STM Short tandem motif
TAREAN Tandem repeat analyzer
TRFi-TRM Tandem repeats finder—Tandem repeats merger
TRIM Terminal-repeat retrotransposons in miniature