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. 2019 Feb 18;9:2763. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02763

Table 6.

A complete description of the final model for Experiment 1: Age + Type Quantifier-Pair + (1| Participant) + (1| Type: Participant).

Estimators of the relative quality of the statistical model:

AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
472.9 529.7 −224.5 448.9 825

Scaled residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

−7.7700 0.1206 0.2103 0.3084 0.9694

Random effects:

Groups Name Variance Standard Deviation.

Type: Participant (Intercept) 0.00533 0.07303
Participant (Intercept) 0.529134 0.72742
Number of obs: 837, Type: Participant, 177; Participant, 59

Fixed effects°:

Estimate Standard Error z value Pr( > | z| )

(Intercept) 2.19039 0.42243 5.185 2.16e-07
Age 11 1.61636 0.37028 4.365 1.27e-05
Some-All 1.09034 0.70911 1.538 0.1241
Some-Many −1.04144 0.47935 −2.173 0.0298
Ambiguous 0.15599 0.55943 0.279 0.7804
Control 0.33225 0.58069 0.572 0.5672
Some-All: Ambiguous −2.58529 0.86495 −2.989 0.0028
Some-Many Ambiguous guous 1.42184 0.78602 1.809 0.0705
Some-All: Control 0.09507 1.10093 0.086 0.9312
Some-Many: Control 0.70954 0.75133 0.944 0.3450

°The fixed effects are Age (with the levels Age_5 and Age_11), Quantifier-Pair (with the levels Many-All, Some-All, and Some-Many), and Type (with the Critical, Ambiguous, and Control).