adherence |
teacher interviews |
10 |
2 |
4 |
“It was very clear to me (…) and the tool was easy to use.” |
“It was difficult to find the right time for the poster exhibition, so I asked students to visit it on their own.” |
“I did not use every exercise exactly as instructed as the students were a little too tired for them.” |
exposure |
teacher interviews |
4 |
0 |
6 |
“I implemented many games, especially during the first week and until the holidays.” |
Not applicable |
“Well, I did not manage to do everything (every exercise), because somehow something different always comes up in school.” |
quality of delivery |
teacher interviews |
25 |
4 |
7 |
“(I liked) that it had different exercises and that the students actually slowly opened up.” |
“Well a few (exercises) were questionable, where I needed more space in my class room. And I have a room, where the tables are fixed, so I was limited regarding the exercises from the beginning.” |
“I think for the teenagers it was really cool, but for the younger ones it (the poster exhibition) was a bit scary sometimes.” |
participant responsive-ness |
student interviews |
145 |
44 |
14 |
“Yeah, I mean, that kind of project brought the class closer together somehow.” |
“Some (exercises) were not bad, but I think they did not do that much for us now.” |
“Many classmates did not take it seriously.” |