Table 2.
Optional behavior change techniques named and numbered according to Michie et al. [21].
Goal setting (outcome) (1.3) Discrepancy between current behavior and goal (1.6) Review outcome goal(s) (1.7) Behavioral contract (1.8) Time management (according to the ‘Coventry, Aberdeen & London – Refined’ (CALO-RE) Taxonomy [48]) Self-monitoring of outcome(s) of behavior (2.4) Feedback on outcome(s) of behavior (2.7) Provide information on consequences of behavior to the individual (5.2 and 5.6 summarized) Provide info on where and when (According the CALO-RE Taxonomy [48]) Demonstration of the behavior (6.1) Prompts/cues (7.1) Habit formation (8.3) |
Habit reversal (8.4) Generalization of target behavior (8.6) Graded tasks (8.7) Pros and cons (9.2) Reward and threat (summarizing 10.4, 10.5, 10.7, 10.9) Restructuring the physical environment (12.1) Restructuring the social environment (12.2) Avoidance/reducing exposure to cues for the behavior (12.3) Adding objects to the environment (12.5) Framing/reframing (13.2) Mental rehearsal of successful performance (15.2) Focus on past success (15.3) Self-talk (15.4) |