Fig. 3.
FGM4 is the key regulator inducing expression of the fg3_54 cluster. a FGM4 has a similar domain structure to several basic-ankyrin repeats transcription factors. Three ankyrin repeat domains are predicted in the C terminal region. Numbers indicate amino acid residue positions. b Growth of yeast cells cotransformed with representative constructs. Transformants were spotted on SD/-Leu-Trp-His-Ade medium. c Subcellular localization of FGM4 as determined by confocal microscopy. eGFP and mRFP were fused to the N terminus and C terminus of FGM4, respectively. Relative signal intensities of the respective emission fluorescence along the lines drawn across the hyphae are charted on the right. Bars represent 10 μm. d Coverage plots of RNA-seq reads over the fg3_54 cluster and flanking genes