Figure 4.
Investigation of changes in the active element and long-term (20 minutes) effects of the stimulation. (a) Measurement of sarcomere length based on the intensity of α-actinin immunostaining images. The schematic shows the sarcomere structure and length. (b) Percentage (%) distributions of sarcomere length in each range after applying the electric potential (Elec), mechanical stretching (Mech), in-phase co-stimulation (In), and out-of-phase co-stimulation (Out) for 3 minutes. (c) Average sarcomere length after applying the four different types of stimulations: Elec, Mech, In, and Out. SD, n = 69, 96, 64, and 145. (d) Longer-term performance enhancement of eSMTs following the application of the four stimulations for 20 minutes, SEM, n = 3 for all. Out-of-phase co-stimulation enhanced the contractile force by 31% in 20 minutes.