Areas of Different Bone Densities (nB.Dn) within the Callus. Histological images were semiautomatically segmented and areas of different bone densities were colour encoded. Mineralised callus areas with less than 33% new bone were defined as regions with low nB.Dn (red), areas with 33 to 66% new bone as regions of medium nB.Dn (turquoise), and areas exceeding 66% were classified as high nB.Dn (light blue). For better visualisation, histological images are superimposed by the respective false colour images. The distribution of areas with different bone densities over the total callus area was very similar between the groups and showed a consistent inherent pattern. Besides, treatment groups (a-d) show a very similar proportional distribution: a relatively small area of low nB.Dn (5-10%), approximately 30% medium nB.Dn, and 50-65% high nB.Dn. In the control group (e), a shift to less dense bone was observed: the upwards trend observed in the treatment groups levelled off at the medium density level in the control group (approximately 45% medium nB.Dn). Areas with high nB.Dn were less common (approximately 42%) as compared to the treatment groups. (a) 0.0 mm group, (b) 0.2 mm group, (c) 0.4 mm group, (d) 0.8 mm group, and (e) control group. Anterior side is on the left and posterior side is on the right.