Fig. 3.
Trends in pharmacokinetic behavior of therapeutic proteins. a Glomerular sieving coefficient, which is representative of renal clearance, is inversely related to molecular weight, so smaller molecules are excreted faster. b Terminal slope of pharmacokinetic profile, which corresponds to rate of systemic clearance from the body, is inversely related to hydrodynamic radius, so smaller molecules are cleared faster (open dot represents IgG which utilizes FcRn pathway). c Systemic clearance is related to molecular charge, so more negative molecules are cleared faster (higher pI corresponds to more negative charge). d Half-life is related to binding affinity, so molecules with worse affinity are cleared faster. Reprinted with permission pending from [30]. Reproduced with permission from Springer Nature, Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic considerations for the next generation protein therapeutics, Dhaval K. Shah, copyright (2015)