Table 1.
Definitions of brain region abbreviations.
ACC | Anterior cingulate cortex |
AMG | Amygdala |
BLA | Basolateral amygdala |
BNST | Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis |
CeA | Central amygdala |
CG | Central geniculate |
DHA | Dorsal hypothalamus |
DLG | Dorsolateral geniculate |
ENT | Entorhinal |
HP | Hippocampus |
IC | Insular cortex |
IL | Infralimbic cortex |
IPN | Interpeduncular |
LS | Lateral septum |
MC | Motor cortex |
MeA | Medial amygdala |
MP | Magnocellular precommissural |
MPOA | Medial preoptic area |
NAc | Nucleus accumbens |
OC | Olfactory cortex |
PAG | Periaqueductal gray |
PaS | Parasubiculum |
PB | Parabrachial |
PeRh | Perirhinal cortex |
PFC | Prefrontal Cortex |
PL | Prelimbic cortex |
POST | Posterior subiculum |
PVN | Paraventricular nucleus |
PVT | Paraventricular thalamus |
RS | Retrosplenial |
SN | Substantia nigra |
SSp | Primary somatosensory cortex |
SSs | Secondary somatosensory cortex |
TC | Temporal cortex |
VAL | Ventral anterior lateral thalamus |
VMH | Ventromedial hypothalamus |
VP | Ventral Pallidum |
VTA | Ventral tegmental area |