Large sensitivity to signal noise, dependence on environmental and operating conditions, and lack of fault detection
Maintenance diagnosis is mainly a specialized process
Standard methods, guidelines, and trained personnel to fully verify and validate diagnostics are lacking
Failures are intermittent and hence difficult to predict with typical prediction methods
Lack of standards for the evaluation of prognostic algorithms
Methods for continuous real-time estimation of the RUL need development
Tools for PHM designers to know how PHM systems impact the total logistic system are lacking
Limits to the accuracy and precision of prognostics due to uncertainties
Multiple failures may complicate the prediction of RUL
Components and PHM Architecture
Difficulties exist for consistent data, communication, and security across a plant floor
Improvement in the relationship between controls engineering and maintenance engineering is needed
Lack of integration of PLC information and PHM capabilities
Deficient guidance to deal with abnormal events in complex systems and processes
Prognostics capability for electronics are lacking
Business Level
Human Factors
Resistance due to culture, norms, expertise, and customer and supplier relationships
Creation of user-friendly PHM applications
Incorporation of subjective information from experienced workers/industry with faults