CBA and Dependability Analyses
Data Requirements and Management
PHM data is efficiently integrated into the company business process
Flexible “middleware” software should minimize hardware and software infrastructure dependencies
Open system architectures follow standards and allow updates with knowledge bases and algorithms
Data fields are populated automatically
History of each component is monitored within the entire logistics system
Parts for maintenance are automatically ordered to eliminate excess inventory
Measurement Techniques
Maintenance technologies are more connected with design technologies
Data are collected early in the life cycle that improves current and future programs
Devices utilize built-in-test and expendable devices for failure detection
Parameters that are precursors to impending failure are monitored
COTS aid integration of maintenance and logistics information systems
Pre-processing routines utilize sensor health validation and data de-noising
Diagnostics and Prognostics
Features are extracted as condition indicators for accurate and reliable fault diagnosis and failure prognosis
Method modules are reusable for broad application to future PHM systems
Methodology for incipient failure detection has a specified degree of confidence and given false alarm rate
Quick prognostics are based on comparison of condition indicators and a look-up table
Prognostic methods are designed with flexibility for data from multiple sources
Testing and Training
PHM systems are verified and validated; prognostics model is trained and then tested with different data
PHM systems incorporate the “human factor”, expert knowledge
PHM system is accepted and utilized by trained personnel