A) Magnified inset from
Figure 6A showing decreased αTi-ltm terminal axon branching in a
DIP-α mutant (right) compared to the control (left) at 30 hr APF. Axons are labeled using
DIP-α-T2A-Gal4 > 20XUAS-6XGFP (green) (scale bar: 25 μm). (
B) 3D projections of axon terminals of Ti-ltm targeting leg MNs, including αTi-ltm, in a
DIP-α mutant background at 25 hr (top), 40 hr (middle) and 45 hr (bottom) APF. Leg MNs are labeled using
VGlut-QF >10XQUAS-6xmCherry (magenta) and αTi-ltm is labeled using
DIP-α-T2A-Gal4 > 20XUAS-6XGFP (green) (left, merge; right, αTi-ltm). At 25 hr APF,
DIP-α mutant αTi-ltm axon terminals are located within their secondary axon bundles (2°) and generate filopodial projections. Between 40–45 hr APF, although mutant αTi-ltm axons sort into tertiary axon bundles (3°), they fail to generate terminal branches. White circles denote globular, punctate structures that form on the mutant αTi-ltm axon by ~45 hr APF. (scale bar: 25 μm). (
C) 3D projections of axon terminals of Ti targeting leg MNs, including αTi-ltm (lateral view) and αTi-tadm (medial view), in a control background at 50 hr APF. Leg MNs are labeled using
VGlut-QF >10XQUAS-6xmCherry (magenta) and α-leg MNs are labeled using
DIP-α-T2A-Gal4 > 20XUAS-6XGFP (green)(left-unlabeled, merge; middle-labeled,
VGlut; right-labeled, merge). White arrowheads point to tertiary bundles of MNs targeting the Ti-ltm and tadm and white arrows point to distinct terminal branches. In total there are four tertiary bundles targeting the Ti-ltm (one of which does not belong to the LinA/15 leg MN lineage – white asterix) composed of eight terminal branches, two of which belong to αTi-ltm. In the portion of the tadm pictured here, there are four tertiary bundles composed of approximately thirteen distinct terminal branches, of which nine belong to αTi-tadm.(scale bar: 25 μm).