Table 1.
Outcome measurements
Time | Outcome measurements |
| |
Patients | |
| |
T1 | Demographic data, history of depression, depression health status |
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1. Instruments used for self-reported outcomes measures | |
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T1, T2, T3, T4 | Adherence, BDI-II, HADS |
T1, T3, T4 | SF-12, EQ-5D-5L |
| |
2. Health care utilization | |
| |
T1, T3, T4 | Visits to mental health services and primary care services, medication and doses, hospital admissions and length of stay, productivity lossesa |
| |
Psychiatrists | |
| |
T1 | Demographic data, years in practice, professional profile |
T1, T4 | PPOS, LATCon II |
Notes: T1: baseline; T2: 3 months; T3: 6 months; T4: 12 months.
Information collected at baseline will cover the 6-month period prior to the study.
Abbreviations: BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; BMQ, Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire; CPS, Control Preferences Scale; DAI-10, Drug Attitude Inventory–10 Items; EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol-5D-5L; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HPRS, Hong Psychological Reactance Scale; LATCon II, Leeds Attitude Towards Concordance II Scale; MHLC-C, Multidimensional Health Locus of Control, Form C; PPOS, Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale; SF-12, Short Form-12.