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. 2019 Feb 27;39(9):1755–1766. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3303-17.2018

Table 1.

Passive, electrotonic properties of hippocampal granule cells

Passive properties Sham DCX+
Sham DCX
M-W U test
M-W U test
Sham DCX+ vs MCAO DCX+
n/N Median (IQR) n/N Median (IQR) n/N Median (IQR) n/N Median (IQR) p U η2 p U η2
Vrest (mV) 33/11 −65 (31.1) 18/9 −91.4 (3.7) 43/17 −80.7 (32.7) 20/5 −86.2 (6.1) 0.016 480.5 7.7% <0.0001 36 47.9%
Rinput (GΩ) 33/11 3.52 (4.0) 18/9 0.55 (0.29) 43/17 1.56 (2.7) 20/5 0.92 (0.4) 0.002 418 12.4% 0.001 66 30.0%
Cm (pF) 33/11 5.5 (17.2) 18/9 36.8 (32.6) 43/17 19.3 (22.5) 19/5 59.0 (31.3) 0.025 496 6.7% 0.004 77 22.7%
τm (ms) 30/11 116.5 (100.2) 18/9 26.3 (9.4) 41/17 42.8 (34.6) 20/5 30.6 (13.9) <0.0001 176 37.3% 0.593 161 0.8%
Cell maturation 33/11 Fraction (%) 18/9 Fraction (%) 43/17 Fraction (%) 20/5 Fraction (%) 0.025 569 6.8% 0.010 93 23.1%
    Immature 31/33 (94%) 0/18 (0%) 32/43 (74%) 5/20 (25%)
    Intermediate 2/33 (6%) 10/18 (56%) 9/43 (21%) 13/20 (65%)
    Mature 0/33 (0%) 8/18 (44%) 2/43 (5%) 2/20 (10%)

M-W, Mann–Whitney; n/N–, number of cells/number of mice. Summary of electrotonic cell properties in the three recorded groups. Resting potential was determined immediately after whole-cell access. Cell maturation group was defined based on input resistance as follows: immature cells had Rinput of ≥1 GΩ, intermediately mature cells had a Rinput <1 GΩ but >0.5 GΩ, and mature cells had an Rinput of ≤0.5 GΩ. The statistical unit is n.