Fig. 4.
Motor behavior is not improved by chronic MLi-2 administration. a Mice were assayed for forelimb grip strength using a rod attached to a force transducer (see schematic) which recorded maximum force as the mouse is slowly moved backwards away from the rod. The average of five trials/mouse is reported. Mice slowly lose grip strength after α-synuclein PFF injection, but no effect of treatment with MLi-2 was observed (two-way ANOVA, source of variation: time, p = 0.0006; treatment, p = 0.0933. b 3 months after α-synuclein PFF injection, motor coordination was assayed using an accelerating rotarod in which the mouse is placed on a rod which slowly accelerates (see schematic). Control and MLi-2 treated animals showed no difference in latency to fall on this test (p = 0.4912, unpaired t test). Plots are means and error bars represent s.e.m. with individual values plotted