Figure 1:
nAChR boundary lipids in binary mixtures of DPPC and CHOL. A: Representative frame from a simulated trajectory of a single nAChR embedded in a small membrane, colored by subunit (α:green, β:purple, δ:gray, γ:cyan) in a 4:1 DPPC (blue):Chol (red) mixture. B: Extent of demixing (MDPPC defined in Eq. 1) and depletion of saturated lipids from the boundary (Qsat defined in Eq.2) in small binary membranes. In this binary system, cholesterol depletion/enrichment is directly related to the saturated lipid depletion/enrichment: Qchol = −xsat Qsat/xChol. Error bars represent standard error for a blocking average over 50 ns. C: Average normalized density (Eq. 4) of cholesterol for the system in A. Data is equivalent to that in Figure 5: Binary Mixture “Chol” row.