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. 2018 Aug 9;42(4):345–363. doi: 10.3906/biy-1803-13

Table 2.

Mass spectrometric identification and annotation of proteins isolated from 24-h water-imbibed maize seeds that displayed differential accumulation in the hybrid DHM 117 compared to its parental inbreds (BML 6 and BML 7) after separation on 2-D electrophoresis gels.

Spot number Expression patterna Protein (species) accession numberb Function classificationc Mol. wt. gel/mol. wt. predictedd (kDa) pI gel/pI predictede MASCOT scoref Matched peptideg
9 F < H = M (HP) Zein-beta (Zea mays) ZEB1_MAIZE Storage protein 17.8/19.9 7.3/8.15 221 R.MMDVQSVAQQLQMMMQLER.A R.QQCCQQQMR.M
26 F = H < M (LP) Vicilin-like embryo storage protein (Zea mays) gi|22284 Storage protein 22.8/66.6 5.3/6.23 354 K.ALSFASKAEEVDEVLGSR.R R.SEEEEEESSEEQEEAGQGYHTIR.A R.RSEEEEEESSEEQEEAGQGYHTIR.A
43 F < H = M (HP) Globulin-1 S allele-like (Zea mays) gi|670440305 Storage protein 31.6/71.3 5.4/6.31 287 R.LGFGVKPEVVEAIK.S R.IYAIFTSEGINADDPSKPK.V R.VVAESEAGSVSAVDVADAAGTAYR.L
58 F = H < M (Additive) Aldose reductase (Zea mays) gi|363543269 Defense and stress 37.8/35.9 6.9/6.47 146 K.SGHTIPAVGLGTWR.A R.IKENIQVFGWEIPEEDFR.A R.IKENIQVFGWEIPEEDFR.A
60 F > H = M (LP) Indole-3-acetaldehyde oxidase (Arabidopsis thaliana) ALDO2_ARATH Hormone biosynthesis 38/146.3 6.8/5.49 38 K.LATHMEMIAAR.F K.VLYEAITLLGNVVVPEDGTSNPAYR.S
64 F > H = M (LP) Type IV inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase 11 (Arabidopsis thaliana) IP5PB_ARATH Defense and stress 41/37.8 7.0/9.35 49 K.TIEAVNSCSFSRK.A K.RDLTVWLGDLNYR.I
136 F > H = M (LP) Chaperonin CPN60-1, mitochondrial (Zea mays) CH61_MAIZE Defense and stress 74.3/61.4 5.2/5.68 83 K.APGFGENR.K R.NVVIEQSFGAPK.V
154 F = H < M (LP) Sorbitol dehydrogenase homolog 1 (Zea mays) gi|926657619 Metabolism and energy 47.6/39.7 6.3/6.27 366 R.EVDVVGVFR.Y R.VVVVDVDDHR.L R.VALEPGVSCWR.C K.AVGICGSDVHYLR.E K.IMPFKLPPVGPYDVR.V R.AGVGPETGVLVVGAGPIGLVSLLAAR.A
172 F > H < M (BLP) Protein disulfide-isomerase (Zea mays) PDI_MAIZE Metabolism and energy 76/57.2 4.8/5.24 251 K.FIDASTIPR.V K.NIQEYKGPR.E R.SDYDFGHTLHANHLPR.G K.LRSDYDFGHTLHANHLPR.G K.VDANEEKNRPLATKYEIQGFPTIK.I
205 F > H > M (D) Globulin-1 S allele (Zea mays) GLB1_MAIZE Storage protein 65/65.4 7.1/6.63 304 R.VAVLEANPR.S R.HGQDKGIIVR.A R.VLRPFDEVSR.L R.RSEEEEESSEEQEEVGQGYHTIR.A
279 F < H = M (HP) Oil body-associated protein 2A (Zea mays) gi|194693636 Unknown 30.5/27.8 7.1/6.90 286 R.LIGVEYIVSR.K R.QVETHHYVSR.L K.GFAVDVVPHEMKR.H R.ADVEAPAEEHPGQADYWLR.H R.AARADVEAPAEEHPGQADYWLR.H
319 F = H < M (LP) Glucose and ribitol dehydrogenase homolog (Oryza sativa subsp. Japonica) GRDH_ORYSJ Metabolism and energy 38.8/32.4 6.1/5.76 36 R.GGAGAGGCSIINTSSINAYK.G
321 F > H < M (BLP) Red chlorophyll catabolite reductase, chloroplastic (Arabidopsis thaliana) RCCR_ARATH Defense and stress 39.2/36.6 6.4/5.71 14 K.EYYQDTALDSHR.Q
377 F < H (D) Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein (Zea mays) gi|226507242 Metabolism and energy 41.3/38.7 6.7/6.30 224 K.LVPYNPGYQDESVLWTESR.D R.MVNNIYLNFDAFHGDKDHGGVR.D

a The expression pattern of differentially expressed protein spots in F1 hybrid (H) compared with parents (F - female, M - male) (AHP - above high parent, HP - high parent, LP - low parent, BLP - below low parent, D - different from additive, not belonging to any other class). b The accession number of each protein obtained via MASCOT software from the NCBInr and Swiss-Prot databases. c The function classification of each identified protein. d Molecular mass of proteins on gel and predicted molecular mass of proteins. e pI of proteins on gel and predicted pI of proteins. f Probability-based MASCOT score is defined as –10 × log (p), where p is the probability that the observed match is a random event. g Matching peptides unique to the identified proteins.