Gene ontologic (GO) term enrichment heat map, displaying GO enrichment results
using genes selected by cross-validation. The top 10 GO terms are shown by
diagnostic category (regardless of significance), for a total of 26 terms across
diagnostic categories. Four terms were represented in both bacterial and viral
categories. Note that the bacterial and viral signatures top 10 GO terms were highly
significant (by false discovery rate [FDR]), whereas the malaria signature was less
significant. The top GO terms for malaria are all represented in the viral and
bacterial GO term lists (just further down the list), suggesting that the malaria
classification is at the exclusion of viral and bacterial classification. The total
numbers of genes for each GO term are displayed in parentheses next to the title;
the number of significant genes from each etiology for each term is displayed in
each cell. Cells are colored by FDR. We illustrate the GO hierarchy via wiring
diagram across the left side. Arrows indicate a “parent of” relationship, circled
numbers indicate nodes not shown. For instance, there are 2 nodes between
“Biological process” and “Response to virus”; the latter contains 279 genes total,
of which 17 were found significant in viral samples, and is a parent of “Defense
response to virus.”