Pearson coefficients of correlation (r) among various physicochemical material properties (G’, concentration of collagen (RGD and MMP), swelling, diffusion, mesh size, mesh density, and in vivo bio-degradation), host immune response (murine myeloid cells surrounding and inside the hydrogel constructs), and properties of engineered vascularized construct (weight of engineered construct, lumen density, lumen size, and percentage of engineered human lumen) of the (a) physical cross-linked collagen hydrogels, (b) chemical cross-linked collagen hydrogels, and (c) collagen hydrogels (i.e. no matter which crosslinking methods used). High correlation (in red): | r |>0.70; medium correlation (in blue): 0.40 <| r |<0.69; low correlation (in black): | r | <0.39.