Fig. 5.
AF38469 inhibits GSK-3β/β-catenin/Twist by dose- and time-dependent manner and hinders translocation of β-catenin in glioblastoma cells. a, b Western blotting analysis of the expression levels of GSK-3β, p-GSK-3β, β-catenin, and Twist with different dose and different time of AF38469 treated in U87 cell. c The chenge of mRNA levels of sortilin, GSK-3β, β-cantein, and twist in U87 cells when treated with 400 nM AF38469 or transfected with Si-Sor. d Western blotting to investigate the expression change of β-catenin at the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus in U87 cells treated with 400 nM AF38469. e Immunofluorescence images to show the distribution of β-catenin in U87 cells when treated with SB216763 alone or combined with AF38469; the masks representing colocalization of green (β-catenin) to blue (DAPI) were built by Image-pro-plus. The colocalization coefficient were analyzed and displayed. Scale bar = 10 μm. Error bars (SD) represent the data of triplicate samples for each group. Paired two-way Student’s t-test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01