Metformin inhibition of gluconeogenesis from DHA is abolished by inhibitors of PFK1 or FBP1. Mouse hepatocytes were incubated for 2 h in glucose-free DMEM without (open bars) or with (shaded bars) 100 μm metformin and then for 2 h in fresh medium containing 5 mm DHA + 200 nm S4048 and other additions as indicated: ATA at 25 or 50 μm and FBPi at 5 μm. A, glucose production; B, cell glucose 6-P; C, pyruvate + lactate production; D, total production of glucose + pyruvate + lactate, as C3 units; E, glucose percentage of total metabolism; F, cell ATP. Results are means ± S.D. (error bars) for n = 5–6. *, p < 0.05 relative to respective control; $, p < 0.05 metformin effect.