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. 2019 Feb 27;5(1):2055217319833006. doi: 10.1177/2055217319833006

Table 1.

Demographic features of the three cohorts of pwMS

Parameter ‘MS conference attendees’ (n = 105) ‘On treatment’(n = 76) ‘Offered treatment’ (n = 73) p-value (comparing cohorts)
Relapsing MS* 87 (85%), 2 missing 74 (100%), 2 missing 68 (94%), 1 missing p = 0.0006
MS diagnosis (0–3 yrs)** 32 (30%), 3 missing 0 (0%), 5 missing 32 (46%), 4 missing p < 0.0001
Treatment naïve*** 14 (13%) 0 (0%) 22 (31%), 3 missing p = 0.003
Treatment potency (no treatment (0), moderate (1), high (2))**** number on [injectable/orals] 0 = 17 (16%) 1 = 28 (27%)[17,11] 2 = 60 (57%) 0 = 11 (15%) 1 = 38 (50%)[11, 27] 2 = 27 (35%) 0 = 39 (53%) 1 = 30 (41%)[7, 22] 2 = 4 (6%) p = 0
Male sex 31 (30%) 20 (26%) 17 (23%) NS
Age 18–44 years 48 (46%) 48 (63%) 40 (55%) NS
White ethnicity 89 (85%) 58 (77%), 1 missing 59 (82%), 1 missing NS
With partner 76 (72%) 50 (66%) 33 (52%), 10 missing NS
Employed 56 (53%) 48 (64%), 1 missing 45 (68%), 7 missing NS

*Differences in the ratios of MS type (PPMS/SPMS & RMS) between the groups (p = 0.0006) was due to SPMS/PPMS participants being excluded from the ‘on treatment’ and ‘offered treatment’ cohorts as a result of their study entry criteria. **There was a higher proportion of newly diagnosed (0–3 yrs) pwMS in the ‘offered treatment’ than the ‘MS conference attendees’ cohort (p = 0.046) and the ‘MS conference attendees’ cohort had a higher proportion of newly diagnosed pwMS than the ‘on treatment’ cohort (p =  < 0.0001).

***There were in total 36 (14%) treatment-naïve pwMS, none in the ‘on treatment’ cohort, significantly less than the ‘MS conference attendees’ cohort (14/105 [13%], p = 0.0009), and the ‘offered treatment’ cohort (22/70 [31%], p =  < 0.0001). There were significantly more treatment-naïve pwMS in the ‘considering treatment’ versus the ‘MS conference attendees’ cohort (p = 0.003).

****We compared only the moderate and high-potency treatment groups and found a significant difference (2 × 3 Fisher’s Exact Test, p = 0) confirming that the ‘MS conference attendees’ cohort had a higher percentage on high-potency treatment. This cohort also had the lowest percentage of treatment-naïve pwMS. NS – not significant