Principal component analysis (PCA) distinguished into two parts: a correlation between variables along two PCA axis (PC1 × PC2) and b ordination of case along two PCA axis (PC1 × PC2). PCA was performed on correlation matrix. Closed figures correspond to plant cultivated in nonsterilized soil, while open figures corresponds to plant cultivated in sterilized soil. A white circle indicates a plant cultivated in soil from Gliwice site. A white triangle indicates plants cultivated in soil from Bytom site, a white square indicates plants cultivated in soil from Piekary Śląskie site, a blue ellipse indicates cases corresponding to plant cultivated on uncontaminated soil, a red ellipse indicates cases corresponding to plants cultivated on two contaminated soils, a green ellipse indicates cases corresponding to plants cultivated on sterilized soil, a black ellipse indicates cases corresponding to plants cultivated on nonsterilized soil, F% indicates percentage of segments showing internal colonization, M% indicates average percentage of colonization of root segments, A% indicates percentage of arbuscules in the whole root system. DHA, dehydrogenase activity; A, photosynthesis rate; E, transpiration rate; gs, stomatal conductance; Chl, leaves chlorophyll content; Anth, leaves anthocyanins content; N, shoot N concentration; P, shoot P concentration; K, shoot K concentration; Cd, shoot Cd concentration; Pb, shoot Pb concentration; Zn, shoot Zn concentration; MDA, leaves MDA concentration; H2O2, leaves H2O2 concentration; H, shoot height