Table 3.
Knowledge assessment questions | Number of respondents (n) |
What is the average years of deathb of a homeless individual in the UK? (n = 314) | |
37 years | 31 (9.9) |
47 years | 159 (50.6) |
57 years | 89 (28.3) |
58 years | 35 (11.1) |
Which of the below approximate number of rough sleeps in Scotland and England combined on any given night? (n = 312) | |
4000 | 42 (13.5) |
8000 | 85 (27.2) |
10,000 | 125 (40.1) |
12,000 | 60 (19.2) |
An individual is only considered ‘homeless’ if he/she loses their home AND is living in a hostel? (n = 315) | |
Yes | 209 (66.3) |
No | 106 (33.7) |
An individual is only considered ‘homeless’ if he/she loses their home AND is living in a bedroom at a friend’s house? (n = 315) | |
Yes | 177 (56.2) |
No | 138 (43.8) |
An individual is only considered ‘homeless’ if he/she loses their home AND is living in a bedroom at a relative’s house? (n = 315) | |
Yes | 171 (54.3) |
No | 144 (45.7) |
An individual is only considered ‘homeless’ if he/she loses their home AND is sleeping rough? (n = 315) | |
Yes | 305 (96.8) |
No | 10 (3.2) |
An individual is only considered ‘homeless’ if he/she loses their home AND is sofa surfing with family and friends? (n = 315) | |
Yes | 211 (67.0) |
No | 104 (33.0) |
An individual is only considered ‘homeless’ if he/she loses their home AND is all of above (315) | |
Yes | 170 (54.0) |
No | 145 (46.0) |
Which group makes up the majority of the homeless population? (n = 310) | |
Families with children | 18 (5.8) |
Single men | 286 (92.3) |
Single women | 6 (1.9) |
The number of homeless individuals in the UK is … (n = 313) | |
Rising in number but very gradually | 67 (21.4) |
About the same for the last 10 years | 19 (6.1) |
Rising in number abruptly | 57 (18.2) |
On the rise | 170 (54.3) |
aCorrect answer highlighted in bold
bAppeared as ‘life expectancy’ in the questionnaire which lends to a different meaning. This may have negatively impacted on the number of correct responses