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. 2019 Feb 19;19(6):1–199.

Table 17:

Per-Person Societal Costs Associated With Receiving Face-to-Face Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Model Parameter Meana Distributionb Source
Productivity loss, per session
Hourly rate based on median income in Ontario of $34,000/yr with 30% benefits ($1,950 hr/yr) $22.67 NA Statistics Canada, 2016113
Costs associated with productivity loss $1,275
Daily travel and wage costs
Parking $26 NA  
Public transport $5 NA  
Traveling and treatment time 4 hr NA Assumption
Minimum wage in Ontario $15/hr NA Ministry of Labor, 2017114
Total travel and wage costs (15 days)
Parking costs (conservative estimate)b $390 NA NA
Public transport $75   NA
Wage costs $904   NA
Total societal costs (CBT including travel costs, conservative estimate)b $3,454 Gammac NA
Total societal costs (CBT including public transportation travel costs) $2,254 Gammac NA
Total societal costs (CBT only) $2,179 Gammac NA

Abbreviations: CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy; NA not applicable.


Original nondiscounted costs in 2018 Canadian dollars.


Used in probabilistic sensitivity scenario analyses; standard error (SE) based on an assumption that mean costs vary by ±25%.


Gamma distributions were assigned in probabilistic sensitivity analysis, assuming SE to the mean cost of 25%. Two parameters of the gamma distribution (α, λ) are derived from the mean and SE. Formulas for these calculations are: α = (Mean2)/(SE2); λ= Mean/([Mean × SE]2).