Figure 2. Erk-induced contractility is global and isotropic in the absence of Bicoid activity.
(a) Schematic illustrating the conceptual model that anterior Bicoid activity may be combinatorially interpreted with Erk to repress posterior fates, including light-induced tissue contractility. (b-c) Differential interference contrast (DIC) images of gastrulating OptoSOS (b) and OptoSOS-bcd (c) embryos that were stimulated with at least 90 min of continuous light prior to gastrulation (see also Movie S4). In b, contraction extends everywhere except the anterior pole (purple arrows), leading to large-scale cell rearrangements towards the posterior pole and yolk movement towards the anterior pole. In c, contraction is isotropic (purple arrows) and blocks virtually all tissue reorganization. Scale bar: 100 μm.