Fig 7. Kco_Z infection impacts specific tsetse fitness parameters.
(A) Midgut weight, as an indicator of blood meal digestion proficiency, in six day old GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT males and females (guts were weighed 24 h after the flies had consumed their last blood meal). Each point on the graph represents one individual, and statistical significance was determined via multiple t-tests. (B). Gonotrophic cycle (GC) length of GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT females. Age-matched, pregnant females from each group (n = 35 per group) were housed in individuals cages and monitored daily to observe frequency of pupal deposition. Statistical significance was determined via log-rank test. (C) Weight of pupae from GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT females over three GCs. Each point on the graph represents one individual, and statistical significance was determined via multiple t-tests. (D) Mating competitiveness of GmmWT/Kco_Z compared to GmmWT males. Matings were setup in individual cages (n = 80). Each cage housed a virgin female, to which one virgin GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT male was added. Males and females were age-matched, and each had fed twice prior to exposure. Statistical significance was determined via Chi-squared test. (E) Sperm abundance in the reproductive tracts of three and 14 day old (fed twice) virgin GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT males. Sperm quantity is a reflection of sperm-specific dynein intermediate chain (sdic) transcript abundance. Absolute sdic transcript abundance was determined by comparing experimental sample cycle threshold (Ct) values to those derived from an sdic internal standard curve. Each point on the graph represents one individual, and statistical significance was determined via multiple t-tests. (F) Quantitation of Wigglesworthia and Sodalis in GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT male and female tsetse. Abundance of symbiont specific gene transcripts (Wigglesworthia, thiC; Sodalis, fliC) was used as a proxy to quantify bacterial load. This was performed by comparing thiC and fliC cycle threshold (Ct) values in GmmWT/Kco_Z and GmmWT flies to those derived from symbiont gene-specific internal standard curves. Wigglesworthia and Sodalis can be polyploid (Rio et al., 2006; Weiss et al., 2006), and as such, we normalized symbiont genome copy number to constitutively expressed tsetse gapdh copy number. Each point on the graph represents one individual, and statistical significance was determined via multiple t-tests.