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. 2019 Feb 28;14(2):e0212758. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212758

Table 2. Factor loadings and item characteristics of the QMI (N = 1431).

No. Original Item (German version) PAF Factor I (N1 = 708) Mean SD pi (%) rit
1 We have a good relationship. (Wir haben eine gute Partnerschaft.) .92 6.2 .95 86.7 .87
2 My relationship with my partner is very stable. (Meine Beziehung mit meinem Partner ist sehr stabil.) .92 6.2 1.1 87.3 .87
3 My relationship with my partner is strong. (Unsere Partnerschaft ist stark.) .94 6.2 1.1 86.5 .90
4 My relationship with my partner makes me happy. (Meine Beziehung mit meinem Partner macht mich glücklich.) .92 6.2 1.1 86.0 .88
5 I really feel like part of a team with my partner. (Ich fühle mich wirklich wie ein Teil eines Teams mit meinem Partner.) .91 6.1 1.2 85.2 .86
6 All things considered, what degree of happiness best describes your relationship? (Wie glücklich schätzen Sie auf einer Skala von 1 = sehr unglücklich bis 10 = perfekt glücklich Ihre Partnerschaft–über alles betrachtet—ein?) .78 8.2 1.8 80.2 .72

Notes. QMI = Quality of Marriage Index; Mean of each item (range 1–7), PAF = principal axis factor analysis; SD = Standard deviation; pi = item difficulty; rit = corrected item-total correlation. Respondents answer the first five items on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). The sixth item participants rate their overall level of happiness on a 10-point scale ranging from 1 (extremely low) to 10 (extremely high).

N1 = subsample I drawn by random case selection procedure using SPSS 24