1. Do you know what dengue fever is? (n = 841) |
Yes |
817 (97.1) |
No |
24 (2.9) |
2. Do you think dengue fever can cause mortality? (n = 844) |
Yes |
810 (96.0) |
No |
11 (1.3) |
Don’t know |
23 (2.7) |
3. Do you think you and your family members could be infected with dengue fever? (n = 836) |
Yes |
661 (79.1) |
No |
62 (7.4) |
Don’t know |
113 (13.5) |
4. In your opinion, what is your risk of being infected with dengue fever? (n = 838) |
Low |
188 (22.4) |
Medium |
457 (54.5) |
High |
193 (23.0) |
5. Do you think you have sufficient knowledge of the ways to prevent yourself from dengue infection? (n = 844) |
Yes |
541 (64.1) |
No |
208 (24.6) |
Don’t know |
95 (11.3) |
6. Do you think the dengue situation is serious in the area you live in? (n = 845) |
Yes |
384 (45.4) |
No |
296 (35.0) |
Don’t know |
165 (19.5) |
7. Do you think it is possible to be infected with dengue many times? (n = 845) |
Yes |
418 (49.5) |
No |
188 (22.2) |
Don’t know |
239 (28.3) |
8. How concerned would you be if it was the second time or more for your parents/children to be infected with dengue? (n = 843) |
Very concerned |
690 (81.9) |
Concerned |
112 (13.3) |
Slightly concerned |
31 (3.7) |
Not concerned |
10 (1.2) |
9. Which methods can be used to protect yourself and your family members from dengue infection? (You may tick several options) (n = 846) |
9.1) Nothing |
Yes |
8 (0.9) |
No |
838 (99.1) |
9.2) Don’t know |
Yes |
33 (3.9) |
No |
813 (96.1) |
9.3) Mosquito repellent |
Yes |
577 (68.2) |
No |
269 (31.8) |
9.4) Insecticide |
Yes |
352 (41.6) |
No |
494 (58.4) |
9.5) Bed nets |
Yes |
395 (46.7) |
No |
451 (53.3) |
9.6) Remove mosquito breeding sites |
Yes |
708 (83.7) |
No |
138 (16.3) |
9.7) Others |
Yes |
116 (13.7) |
No |
730 (86.3) |
10. Do you think the global climate is changing? (n = 845) |
Yes |
708 (83.8) |
No |
43 (5.1) |
Don’t know |
94 (11.1) |
11. Do you think the climate change does not influence Malaysia climate? (n = 844) |
Yes |
189 (22.4) |
No |
503 (59.6) |
Don’t know |
152 (18.0) |
12. Do you think the climate change affects human health? (n = 844) |
Yes |
765 (90.6) |
No |
25 (3.0) |
Don’t know |
54 (6.4) |
13. Do you think the global warming could increase the risk of dengue outbreaks? (n = 842) |
Yes |
580 (68.9) |
No |
73 (8.7) |
Don’t know |
189 (22.4) |
14. Do you think the climatic factors may affect the life cycle of mosquitoes but not dengue cases? (n = 841) |
Yes |
405 (48.2) |
No |
198 (23.5) |
Don’t know |
238 (28.3) |
15. Do you think the number of dengue cases increases after rainy days? (n = 842) |
Yes |
642 (76.2) |
No |
64 (7.6) |
Don’t know |
136 (16.2) |
16. Do you think the increasing temperature elevates the number of dengue cases in your area? (n = 843) |
Yes |
487 (57.8) |
No |
110 (13.0) |
Don’t know |
246 (29.2) |
17. Do you think the information about previous temperature and rainfall can be used to predict dengue outbreak in future? (n = 842) |
Yes |
506 (60.1) |
No |
87 (10.3) |
Don’t know |
249 (29.6) |
18. Do you think an early warning is a useful tool for community to take preventive actions to avoid possible infection within sufficient time? (n = 841) |
Yes |
678 (80.6) |
No |
63 (7.5) |
Don’t know |
100 (11.9) |