Raw video (slowed 20-fold) showing split-screen view of mouse whiskers (C-row) and genal vibrissa on the left side, and whiskers (C-row) on the right side during whisking. The left γ whisker (black overlay), left genal vibrissa (red overlay), and right γ whisker are tracked. The angular positions of the whiskers (θL and θR, black traces) and genal vibrissa (θG, red trace) are shown at bottom. The first episode shows that the genal vibrissa moves in phase with the ipsilateral whiskers prior to nerve cut. The second episode occurs after cut of the left buccal branch of the facial nerve. Whisking of the left whiskers is abolished, and the genal vibrissa motion is greatly reduced. Whisking of the supraorbital vibrissae can be seen in the background.