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. 2018 Aug 28;13(5):1352–1360. doi: 10.1007/s11682-018-9939-4

Table 1.

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of participants

Variables PD RBD+ (n = 40) PD RBD- (n = 127) HC (n = 68) Test value (p-value)
Age (years) 61.10 (10.72) 61.08 (9.32) 59.41 (10.76) F (2, 232) = 0.676 (0.509)1
Sex (male:female) 30:10 77:50 42:26 χ2 = 2.739 (0.107)2
Education (years) 15.60 (2.64) 15.45 (2.81) 16.18 (2.76) F (2, 232) = 1.56 (0.21)1
Disease duration (months) 6.22 (7.69) 5.56 (6.92) t (165) = 0.264 (0.608)3
Scanner type (TrioTrim:Verio) 39:1 117:10 63:5 χ2 = 1.410 (0.320)2
UPDRS III score 23.03 (9.84) 20.29 (8.93) t (165) = 1.34 (0.101)3
H&Y stage (1:2:3) 16:24:0 55:70:2 χ2 = 0.837 (0.658)2
RBDSQ score 7.93 (1.49) 2.84 (1.35) 2.07 (1.53)

F (2, 232) = 238.83 (< 0.001)1*

Post-hoc p-values

(1) < 0.001; (2) 0.001; (3) < 0.001

ESS score 6.35 (3.87) 5.24 (3.10) 5.58 (3.58) F (2, 230) = 1.653 (0.194)1
MoCA score 27.62 (1.68) 27.81 (1.77) 28.19 (1.19) F (2, 232) = 1.897 (0.152)1
STAI score 70.65 (20.49) 63.01 (17.27) 56.10 (14.22)

F (2, 232) = 9.39 (< 0.001)1*

Post-hoc p-values

(1) 0.042; (2) 0.023; (3) <0.001

GDS-15 score 3.00 (2.92) 2.11 (2.35) 1.59 (2.99)

F (2, 230) = 3.57 (0.03)1**

Post-hoc p-values

(1) 0.186; (2) 0.470; (3) 0.024

Any impulse-control disorder (yes:no) 7:33 12:115 7:61 χ2 = 2.029 (0.168)2
Punding and / or hobbyism (yes:no) 6:34 12:115 10:58 χ2 = 0.437 (0.591)2

I Mean (standard deviations) are presented and statistically compared. The following statistical tests were used: 1 ANOVA; 2Pearson’s χ2 test; 3independent t-test

II When ANOVA showed significant between-group differences we performed a Hochberg’s GT2 post-hoc analysis to clarify which groups were significantly different: *significant effect of group; **although HC and PD patients show significant differences, no difference was found between PD RBD+ and PD RBD-. Post-hoc p-values represented: (1) between PD RBD- and PD RBD+, (2) between HC and PD RBD-, (3) between HC and PD RBD+

III Abbreviations: UPDRSIII: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale part III; RBDSQ: REM sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire; ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; GDS-15: Geriatric Depression Scale-15