Figure 1.
The effect of plant age on priming of ZAT10 and BAP1. Arabidopsis thaliana var. Col-0 were primed at an age of 2, 4 and 6 weeks by a 24 h cold-treatment at 4 °C. The 24 h 4 °C triggering stress was applied 5 days after priming. The transcript abundance for the primable ROS marker genes ZAT10 and BAP1 was evaluated directly after triggering in primed and triggered (PT), only primed (P), only triggered (T) and in control plants (C) and normalized to the geometric mean of the transcript levels of two constitutively expressed genes. As control for monitoring the cold-responsiveness, the transcript levels of the non-primable cold marker gene COR15A were determined. The letters refer to distinct significance groups as determined by ANOVA (Tukey’s test, p < 0.05, n = 3 ± SD).