Figure 6.
Confocal micrographs of the inner medulla of control (Cont) and K+-depleted (K+-Dep) Atg7f/f and Atg7Δpc mouse kidneys illustrating double labeling with pS261-AQP2 (red) and RAB9 (green). RAB9-positive puncta (green) is increased in both control and K+-Dep Atg7Δpc mice; subsequently these changes in the K+-Dep Atg7Δpc mice pronounced compared with Atg7f/f mice. Note that pS261-AQP2 is not colocalized with RAB9-positive puncta (arrows) in the inner medullary collecting duct cells of K+-depleted Atg7Δpc mice. Stars indicate the lumen of inner medullary collecting ducts.