Figure 1.
Auditory task with high or low reward auditory or visual cues: Incentivized Attention Paradigm (IAP). In all conditions, monkeys were required to withhold a response through a wait signal and to respond to an auditory go signal in order to receive a juice reward. In HiRe trials, a large reward (1 ml) was delivered immediately after a correct response. In LoRe trials, a small reward (0.1 ml) was delivered after a 7 s delay. In addition, visual feedback (green or red screen for correct or incorrect responses, respectively) was provided. (A) Four exemplary trials in auditory reward cue experiments (AudCue1 and AudCue2). If the monkey responded to the auditory go signal within a response window of 200–1300 ms in a HiRe trial, then a big juice reward was immediately delivered and the screen turned green. During LoRe trials, a correct response was associated with a delayed small reward and green screen. Note that the LoRe cue was presented until the reward was delivered. A response before the response window (early response) resulted in a red screen and trial termination. A red screen was also shown if the monkey did not respond before the end of the response window (miss). (B) Four exemplary trials in the fMRI experiment with visual reward cues and an auditory wait signal. See text and Table 1 for details.