Figure 3.
Genome-wide effects of eEF3 depletion on gene expression. The effects of eEF3 repression to ribosomal density (a), on the levels of mRNA (b) and ribosomal load (c) calculated for individual genes (2581 in total). Changes in gene coverage is considered significant when the Z-score of the differences is above 2 or below -2 in both replicates. Up-regulated genes in eEF3 depleted conditions are marked with red dots and down-regulated genes with blue dots, and the counts of genes presented as numbers in respective colors. Gene IDs of up-regulated and down-regulated genes, as well as associated GO IDs and p-values are provided in Supplementary Dataset 2. Read density is normalised as reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) of total reads for individual ORFs (a,b).