In vivo dose effect of KBP-7072 against 5 selected S. aureus strains using a neutropenic murine pneumonia infection model. Each symbol represents the mean and SD for lungs in three mice. Five total drug dose levels were fractionated into an every-6-h regimen. The burden of organisms was measured at the start and end of therapy. The study period was 24 h. The horizontal dashed line at 0 represents the burden of organisms in the lungs of mice at the start of therapy. Data points below the line represent bactericidal activity, and points above the line represent net growth. (A) Dose-response curves; (B) plasma 24-h total drug AUC/MIC in relation to treatment outcome; (C) ELF 24-h AUC/MIC in relation to treatment outcome. The curved line is the best-fit line based on the Hill equation. Also shown are the PD parameters maximal effect (Emax), 50% maximal effect (ED50), slope of the curve (N), coefficient of determination (R2), and SE of the estimate.