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Table 2.

Conditional analysis results for FVII activity using the trans-ancestry meta-analysis results

rsID Chr:Pos* Alleles Freq β§ P§ Joint β|| Joint P|| Variance explained, %
 rs117989138 13:113697671 A/G 0.02 0.086 3.6 × 10−22 0.081 8.7 × 10−20 0.6
 rs36086577 13:113728498 C/A 0.87 0.035 2.2 × 10−19 0.031 7.5 × 10−15 0.6
 rs71446935 13:113734376 A/G 0.31 0.035 5.5 × 10−38 0.032 5.1 × 10−31 1.2
 rs1046205 13:113752057 A/T 0.79 0.121 3.9 × 10−573 0.121 <1.0 × 10−320 12.1
 rs6119569 20:33672371 G/A 0.78 0.022 8.8 × 10−17 0.019 3.9 × 10−13 0.3
 rs867186 20:33764554 G/A 0.10 0.057 3.3 × 10−64 0.055 8.1 × 10−59 1.4

The variance explained shown in this table was calculated using the sample size weighted mean variance of log-transformed FVII and the betas and frequencies from the trans-ancestry meta-analysis summary statistics.

Abbreviations are explained in Table 1.


The Chr:Pos column shows the chromosome and position (build 37).

The Alleles column shows the FVII-increasing allele/FVII-decreasing allele.

The Freq column shows the frequency of the FVII-increasing allele.


The β and P columns are based on the association of each variant in isolation.


The Joint β and Joint P columns are based on the association of each variant test conditioned on the other variants.

The Variance Explained column is based on the joint analysis.