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. 2018 Dec 20;97(3):1254–1261. doi: 10.1093/jas/sky479

Table 3.

Effect of phytase on nursery pig performance by growth phase and overall

GraINzyme phytase, FTU1 per kg SEM P-value Sex effects
Item, kg PC2 NC2 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 Treatment Linear3 Quadratic3 Barrows Gilts SEM P-value
Phase 2: day 1 to 14 on treatment
 BW day 1 6.58 6.56 6.57 6.58 6.55 6.56 0.06 0.9992 0.9120 0.9346 6.70a 6.43b 0.03 <0.0001
 BW day 14 10.15a 9.63b 10.18a 10.29a 10.39a 10.51a 0.17 0.0163 0.0033 0.0523 10.40a 9.98b 0.10 0.0073
 ADG 0.255a 0.219b 0.258a 0.266a 0.275a 0.282a 0.011 0.0034 0.0008 0.0247 0.265 0.254 0.006 0.2361
 ADFI 0.317a 0.281b 0.327a 0.325a 0.330a 0.328a 0.010 0.0076 0.0212 0.0109 0.321 0.315 0.006 0.4778
 G:F 0.804 0.779 0.787 0.820 0.834 0.860 0.022 0.0985 0.0050 0.4540 0.824 0.803 0.013 0.2621
Phase 3: day 15 to 28 on treatment
 BW day 28 15.89ab 14.47c 15.34b 15.89ab 15.95ab 16.67a 0.31 0.0003 <0.0001 0.0981 15.88 15.52 0.19 0.1786
 ADG 0.405ab 0.340c 0.362bc 0.394ab 0.397ab 0.433a 0.017 0.0071 0.0003 0.3310 0.386 0.392 0.010 0.6807
 ADFI 0.609bcd 0.538d 0.581cd 0.629b 0.625b 0.682a 0.014 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0543 0.609 0.612 0.008 0.8300
 G:F 0.666 0.631 0.608 0.627 0.635 0.634 0.023 0.6278 0.6077 0.9709 0.630 0.637 0.014 0.6987
Phase 4: day 29 to 41 on treatment
 BW day 41 26.01b 22.93c 25.06b 25.91b 26.08ab 27.23a 0.41 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0039 26.05a 25.02b 0.25 0.0052
 ADG 0.778ab 0.651c 0.736b 0.770ab 0.779ab 0.812a 0.015 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0006 0.778a 0.731b 0.009 0.0008
 ADFI 1.156bc 0.925d 1.116c 1.188bc 1.215b 1.331a 0.031 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0013 1.186a 1.125b 0.019 0.0263
 G:F 0.627ab 0.653ab 0.610abc 0.605bc 0.594bc 0.567c 0.016 0.0111 0.0009 0.2640 0.613 0.605 0.010 0.5438
Overall: day 1 to 41 on treatment
 ADG 0.474b 0.399c 0.451b 0.472b 0.476ab 0.504a 0.010 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0034 0.472a 0.453b 0.006 0.0320
 ADFI 0.683bc 0.573d 0.664c 0.703bc 0.711b 0.767a 0.014 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0004 0.694 0.673 0.008 0.0867
 G:F 0.665 0.667 0.640 0.644 0.643 0.628 0.015 0.3680 0.1269 0.6481 0.651 0.645 0.009 0.6233

a–dWithin a row, least square means without a common superscript differ (P < 0.05).

1FTU = GraINzyme (Agrivida Inc., Woburn, MA) phytase units, added to NC diet.

2PC = positive control; NC = negative control (−0.15% P).

3Orthogonal contrast of adding phytase to NC diet.