Adaptation of 10× EExM for imaging RyR nanodomain
in cardiac
muscle cells. (A-i) Comparisons of DNA-PAINT (in TIRF; left) and 10×
EExM (right) images of the RyR labeling near the cell surface of rat
ventricular cardiac muscle cells, both illustrate domains of RyR labeling
whose width is <500 nm. (A-ii) Magnified views illustrate clearly
resolved punctate labeling densities, each corresponding to an individual
RyR, in both DNA-PAINT and 10× EExM images. (B-i) Comparisons
of dSTORM (with HiLo illumination) and 10× EExM images of RyR
nanodomains located in the cell interiors. (B-ii) Magnified views
of the respective images illustrate unresolved cluster substructure
in dSTORM (left) which contrasts with the well-resolved RyR arrays
in 10× EExM in cell interior (right). (C) A depth coded (color
scale in nm) maximum-intensity projection of a 1 μm-deep cell
volume with RyR labeling. Comparison of RyR cluster 3D topographies
identified with 10× EExM raw data include (D-i) flat RyR arrays
at the cell surface and curved nanodomains in cell interior visualized
either (D-ii) end-on, along their axis of curvature, or (D-iii) side-on,
orthogonal to the axis of curvature. Shown are the in-plane view of
the nanodomains (left), surface rendered 3D 10× EExM data, color
coded for depth along the optical axis (z) in nm (middle) and schematic
illustration of unique topologies of RyR (orange) arrangement relative
to the nearest plasmalemmal membranes (cyan). (E) Percentage histogram
of the RyR cluster sizes in the cell interior nanodomains show a Mean
± SEM of 8.23 ± 0.51 RyRs/cluster; n =
11 cells, 1912 clusters. The distributions of the surface cluster
sizes, as estimated with both DNA-PAINT (Mean ± SEM of 7.87 ±
0.39 RyRs/cluster; n = 12 cells, 3209 clusters) and
the surface and interior clusters imaged 10× EExM, were similar
as illustrated by the dot-plots overlaid with the box and whiskers
plots (inset; p > 0.05 in Bonferroni-adjusted
tests). (F) The distribution of NND in interior nanodomains with ≥5
RyRs (blue) showed a mean of 45.41 ± 0.75 nm. The distribution
of 3ND (red) for the same RyR nanodomains had a long rightward tail
(mean ± SD: 73.74 ± 14.28 nm). Overlaid with the 3ND histogram
of the cell interior (gray, inset) is the equivalent distribution
for subsurface RyR nanodomains (green), which was more left-shifted.
Scale bars: (A-i and B-i) 1 μm; (A-ii, B-ii, C, and D) 50 nm.
Error bars in plots: SD.