efficiency test of F-DMA/CCL19. DMA/F-DMA containing
pEGFP (4 μg) was used to transfect CT26 cells at a weight ratio
of 1:50 pEGFP to DMA and F-DMA. The transfection efficiency was measured
by fluorescence microscopy (A) and flow cytometry after 24 h (mean
± SEM, n = 3; * p < 0.05,
**p < 0.01; F-DMA/GFP versus DMA/GFP) (B). Detection
of CCL19 in cell supernatant from different groups by ELISA (mean
± SEM, n = 3; *, p < 0.05,
**, p < 0.01; F-DMA/CCL19 versus DMA/CCL19; F-DMA/CCL19,
DMA/CCL19 versus GS, DMA, DMA/pVax) (C). Scale bar is 200 μm.
The results represent three independent experiments.