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. 2019 Mar 1;2019(3):CD006715. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006715.pub3

2. Diagnostic criteria for myocardial infarction.

Study Criteria
Aguero‐Martinez 2012 New pathological Q wave (duration ≥ 0.04 second and depth ≥ 25% of the R wave or QRS complex) in more than 1 derivation. Non‐specific changes that included elevation of the ST segment > 1.5 mm from the isoelectric line in 2 or more leads of the same region, ST depression > 2 mm in the precordial leads, or reversal of the T wave for longer than 48 hours; absence of R wave in the precordial leads. Ventricular or atrioventricular conduction defects
Enzymatic criteria: 5 times normal values: troponin > 1 mcg/mL, CK > 250 U/L, CK‐MB > 133 U/L, LDH > 800 U/L, LDH 1/LDH 2 > 1 in blood samples collected between postoperative days 2 and 3, and GOT > 90 U/L
Echocardiographic criteria: new segmental motility disorders
Anatomopathological criteria: in dead patients
Bakhtiary 2007 Unspecified
Barrington 2005 Transmural infarction defined as new Q waves
Bektas 2015 1. Cardiac biomarkers (with troponins preferred) rise > 10 times 99% upper reference limit (URL) from normal preoperative level
2. New pathological Q waves or new left bundle branch block (LBBB) and/or imaging or angiographic evidence of new occlusion of native vessels or grafts, new regional wall motion abnormality, or loss of viable myocardium
Caputo 2011 New Q waves of 0.04 ms and/or reduction in R waves > 25% in at least 2 contiguous leads on ECG
Celik 2015 ECG monitored (ST analysis); CK‐MB and troponin I levels measured at fourth and 24th hours
de Vries 2002 Myocardial infarction defined as a new Q wave on ECG and CK 180 U/L with CK‐MB 10% of total
Dohle 2001 Myocardial infarction assessed by ECG changes and CK‐MB values
Fillinger 2002 New Q waves of at least 0.04 second duration or postoperative elevation of serum creatine phosphokinase confirmed by creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme pattern
Hansdottir 2006 New Q waves or CK‐MB isoenzyme concentration ≥ 50
Heijmans 2007 Myocardial infarction not mentioned in the report
Jakobsen 2012 Perioperative myocardial infarction, defined as new Q waves of 0.04 ms and/or reduction in R waves > 25% in at least 2 contiguous leads on ECG
Kendall 2004 ECG changes (new Q wave, or loss of R wave progression, or new permanent left bundle branch block) and increase in creatinine kinase myocardial fraction (CK‐MB) to > 120 units per litre
Kilickan 2006 Unspecified
Liem 1992 CK‐MB values ≥ 80 IU/L and evidence of new Q waves or bundle branch block on postoperative ECG
Loick 1999 Unclear
Lyons 1998 Unclear
Mehta 1998 Incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction also analysed by an independent cardiologist, as per the appearance of new Q waves in the ECG and increase in creatine phosphokinase‐myocardial band isoenzyme (CPK‐MB) levels to > 70 ng/mL in the first 12 hours postoperatively
Mehta 2010 2‐lead ECG and CPK, CPK‐MB levels
Neskovic 2013 New ECG changes with positive enzymes (CK‐MB and troponin)
Obersztyn 2018 ECG and elevated serum enzymes
Onan 2011 Unspecified
Onan 2013 Unspecified
Palomero 2008 Myocardial infarction defined by analysis of the ECG (new Q waves or increases in ST segment > 3 mm)
Priestley 2002 New Q waves (assessed by the blinded cardiologist) on a 12‐lead ECG on days 0, 1, 2, and 4 and assessment of venous blood levels of troponin
 T and creatine kinase‐MB fraction on arrival in the ICU, and again at 4, 12, and 24 hours and on postoperative day 2
Scott 2001 Q waves, ST segment increase of 3 mm, and a myocardial specific serum creatinine kinase level ≥ 60 ng/mL
Stenseth 1994 Unspecified
Stenseth 1996 Unspecified
Svircevic 2011 Creatine kinase muscle–brain isoenzymes > 75 units per litre (5 times upper limit of normal level) and peak creatine kinase muscle–brain isoenzyme/creatine kinase ratio > 10% or new Q wave infarction
Zawar 2015 Myocardial infarction defined as developing ECG changes, new Q waves on postoperative ECG ≥ 0.03 second in duration in 2 or more adjacent leads lasting until discharge, rise in creatine phosphokinase‑MB and troponin I, and new regional wall motion abnormalities

CK: creatinine kinase; CK‐MB: creatinine kinase muscle brain; ECG: electrocardiogram; GOT: glutamic‐oxaloacetic transaminase; LBBB: left bundle branch block; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; URL: upper reference limit.