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. 2018 Aug 21;12(2):223–233. doi: 10.1007/s40271-018-0327-3

Table 2.

Information sources and decision-making among all non-small cell lung cancer survey participants and stratified by treatment decision status

Information sources and decision-making factors All participants (n = 77) Chose MT (n = 76) Decided against MT (n = 1)
n % n % n %
Sources used to learn about maintenance therapya
 Treating oncologist 74 96.1 73 96.1 1 100.0
 Nurse 49 63.6 49 64.5 0 0.0
 Materials provided by healthcare professionals 43 55.8 43 56.6 0 0.0
 Spouse/partner 13 16.9 13 17.1 0 0.0
 Children/family members (other than spouse/partner) 23 29.9 23 30.3 0 0.0
 Friends 18 23.4 18 23.7 0 0.0
 Online 30 39.0 30 39.5 0 0.0
 Media (TV, magazines, news) 16 20.8 16 21.1 0 0.0
 No sources used 3 3.9 3 4.0 0 0.0
Timing of first discussion about MT with treating oncologist
 Prior to any treatment 34 44.2 33 43.4 1 100.0
 At beginning of first-line chemotherapy 7 9.1 7 9.2 0 0.0
 During first-line chemotherapy 6 7.8 6 7.9 0 0.0
 After first-line chemotherapy 18 23.4 18 23.7 0 0.0
 Other 4 5.2 4 5.3 0 0.0
Number of discussions of MT with oncologist
 1 6 7.8 6 7.9 0 0.0
 1 + 67 87.0 66 86.8 1 100.0
 Does not remember 4 5.2 4 5.3 0 0.0
Felt they had a choice on whether or not to start MT after talking to oncologist about MT
 Yes 69 89.6 68 89.5 1 100.0
 No 6 7.8 6 7.9 0 0.0
 Does not remember 2 2.6 2 2.6 0 0.0
Involvement in decision regarding maintenance therapya
 Treating oncologist 73 94.8 72 94.7 1 100.0
 Spouse/partner 32 41.6 31 40.8 1 100.0
 Children/family members (other than spouse/partner) 33 42.9 33 43.4 0 0.0
 Other 4 5.2 4 5.3 0 0.0
 Nobody, made decision on their own 7 9.1 7 9.2 0 0.0

MT maintenance therapy, TV television

aCan add up to more than 100% because multiple options could be selected