Fig. 3.
MicroPET/CT imaging with 18F-DBPOF-c(RGDyk) and 18F-DBPOF-HSA. a A PET image from a dynamic scan with 18F-DBPOF-c(RGDyk) in U87MG nude mice bearing gliomablastoma, reconstructed at 23 min post-injection with the tumor (T), live (L), and kidney (K) indicated by white arrows. The inset image in the right corner showed no specific tumor uptake indicated by a white arrow. b Time-activity curves of 18F-DBPOF-c(RGDyk) in the tumor, bone, blood, kidney and muscle. Uptake values are presented by means ± standard deviations (n = 3). c A PET image from a 60 min dynamic scan with 18F-DBPOF-HAS in healthy female Wistar rats, reconstructed at 60 min post-injection with the heart (H) and artery (A) indicated by white arrows. d Time-activity curves of 18F-DBPOF-HSA in the heart, liver, bone and muscle. Uptake values are presented by means ± standard deviations (n = 3). Source data are provided as a Source Data file