Fig. 4.
Bypassability tends to be shared by subunits belonging to the same protein complex. a Subunits of the same protein complex tend to be either all bypassable or all non-bypassable. The observed numbers of the three types of complexes were compared to the expected numbers computed as the arithmetic mean of 1000 random permutations. ** indicates P < 0.01, and * indicates P < 0.05. P values were calculated from the permutations. b Hierarchical clustering of essential protein complexes based on nine features that have the best predictive power for complex bypassability. The complexes named in the figure include the bypassable complexes (dark blue), mixed complexes (green), and non-bypassable complexes (red) classified based on the criteria shown in a. The cluster that all bypassable complexes fall into is highlighted in blue in the dendrogram. Within this cluster, the names of five additional complexes known or expected to be bypassable are in light blue, and the name of the THO complex is in black. The complexes are listed in Supplementary Data 4 in the same order as here