Figure 6.
Fluorescence emission spectra of DT-P1 (a), DT-P2 (b) and E1 peptide (c) upon titration with POPC unilamellar vesicles. Black solid line represents 5 µM peptide in HEPES buffer; grey and dotted lines corresponds to peptide titration with POPC LUVs at a concentration ranged from 0.05 mM to 0.6 mM; (d) Partitioning isotherms of E1 and DT-peptides estimated from the fractional change in Trp fluorescence intensity upon addition of increasing amounts of liposomes. Binding experiments were done by triplicate. Values of apparent mole fraction partition coefficients were: KX = 2.4 × 105 and KX = 8.2 × 105 for DT-P2 and E1 peptide, respectively.