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. 2019 Mar 1;9:3292. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-38619-2

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Experimental progression by subject. Each column represents the experimental progression for our four subjects from top to bottom. In all subjects, we localized electrodes which elicited a reliable percept on the hand upon stimulation. We then found a threshold level of stimulation where sensations were elicited, and used stimulation currents above this to ensure reliable perception with 200 ms trains. Subjects 2 and 4 both performed a two-alternative forced choice task of discriminating between one and two trains to confirm our test amplitudes were suprathreshold. Subject 2 then performed an intensity matching experiment in which we identified stimulation levels that elicited approximately the same strength of response as the haptic touch provided by the experimenter. All subjects completed experimental trials after we established the suprathreshold current to use. Subjects 2–4 all had two blocks consisting of 100, 200, 400, and 800 ms trains, interleaved with 20 off-target and 10 null trials, followed by 20 haptic stimuli trials interleaved with 10 null trials.